Incident Code Setup

From incident code setup page, Administrator will be able to setup how the incident code will be generated for each new incident record added.

Step 1: Navigate to Framework > Incident Settings > Incident Code

Step 2:  Select a Numbering Sequence. Three options are available.


  1.        None: Selecting “None” will leave the number sequence empty. When a new incident is created, no automatic number will be assigned and the user will have to manually enter a number.

  2.       Strict Sequential Numbering: Selecting “Strict Sequential Numbering” will automatically populate a sequential number for new incidents created. The number will be non-editable by the users.

  3.        Editable Sequential Numbering: Selecting “Editable sequential numbering” will automatically populate a sequential number for new incidents created and this will be in an editable format so that the user can change the number if required.




       Step 3: Enter a “Prefix” for the Incident code.


         Step 4: Enter a start number for the incident code. Once you add a start number, any incidents created will be assigned a number starting from the number specified. The functionality of the number will also be based on the numbering sequence option selected.  


                 Step 5: Enter a suffix for the incident code.



                 Step 6: Click “save”












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Last revised: September 23, 2018